
earthlink's webmail is not working today. so i am out of touch.

thinking - out of touch with what? email has become a daily habit for me, an integral part of the day,butit can also feel like a chore - oh i have to check my email. much of my life can feel like chores, the mind spins it so. this chore-life is a key component of what i would call depression. melancholia is just - for me, today - a so-softer way to put it, melancholia seems to me a cult of sadnes, or just the xperience of it, its such a lovely sounding word. depression is a down, nasty, unattractive beast. it really captures the low, cornered, wounded/dying dig-yr-won-grave-and-piss-on-it-too "stuck" energy of habitual, negative, reinforcing patterns. making life a series of chores is a sure-fire way to get depressed and stay there (there are always more chores).

the depressed person often looks and acts like a slave, or prisoner, like someone whose agency has been taken away. a less flamboyant zombie, or the drudges of dystopia without the distant big boss organzing the whole thing - no, the big boss is some hidden raging voice calling the shots and cracking the whip, and they are just the mule with the big cart attached, pulling uphill.

i'm thinking about all this because i am realizing how lucky i am today, and how a good portion of that "luck" (which, no, i don't exactly believe in, but the word's not all wrong - when used carefully to talk about the edges of what we can claim authorship/partnership of/in - where causal patterns or karma become difficult to discern rationally - but some sensible undercurrent, somehow unameable and often vague, is perceived at work - how is he always so lucky in bizness?) I owe to having money. Here's the record:

-by the age of 16 any good shrink would have noted that i was suffering from moderate depression.
-by the age of 21 any good shrink would have upped the ante to severe depression, with attendant (and i lack the terminology, ego disintegration (losing one's shit) to the point where holding down a job had become impossible.
-this moderate to severe shit kept on coming from 1997 to 2001, relapsed for good stretches of the next two yrs (MFA at Naropa) and climbed the charts once more 2003-04.
-during those 7 years, I was employed for perhaps 18 months.

I should addd to this "and my wife didnt leave me". How on earth was I able to live during/thru this? Money. But I dont know if it is "luck" or no. Without that money (an inheritance), the situation would have been different from the get go. But I am thinking about Henry Darger today, about homeless people, the mentally ill, alcoholics, etc., people with desperate need for healing and care, and how, in our culture of created scarcity, there is no money for this. How can someone have a chance to heal their traumas and wounds if they are starving and must prostitute themselves into any available job? The severaly depressed tend not to interview well, and the young ones havent had the chance to acquire any skills, let alone confidence. Money saw me thru - it didnt heal me, but it kept me alive. And when I finally woke up and wanted to live differently, it has been - in a very real measure - the judicious use of money which has helped create the space for me to heal. It involves other people, and other people have to live, and in this same system, that means they hve to be paid, which means money.

I spent years dissing money as a necessary evil. Now I see how it can be a medicine also. Like so many other things, it is our abuse of it that creates its maliciousness.

So today, with very little adornment, I am thinking how unfair our economy and political world our - how unfair that I am writing you this today because I have the money to do so, and others do not, making escaping from difficult, even unbearably repressive conditions and limited horizons, that much harder to do.


Blogger jwg said...

How to be aware without self abuse (stop it with yr dirty minds)? I want to say, forget it, you have what you have, so now make good. But that isn’t enough, is it? To whom do you owe what? I don’t feel I/U owe anyone anything. I act bc I should act, not from obligations to others, but from obligations to myself. I often times think small. you have assisted many. I don’t know exactly what to say, just that you have people around, and you are lucky, and I am lucky and I am just glad I am not in Darfur. Karma? That word sounds kind of ugly here.

But I am not a doctor. I only play one on TV.

Now get a web site!

3:36 AM  
Blogger Pirooz M. Kalayeh said...

Kyle is right in the thick of something beautiful. I ask the same questions all the time. I look at sadness. I shine a light on it. I pay attention to my empathy. I grow feeble and weak. I can't take it. I'd scratch my eyes out if I could. I shine a light again. I smile.

The biggest thing here is truth. It truly does set you free. I am proud to know both of you. Jim and Kyle. Non-stop truth like adrenaline shot shows me the light when I can't find the switch on my own.

Thank you to both of you.

8:35 AM  
Blogger Boulder Fringe said...

I think of it this way when I'm relatively sane - my parents gave me many difficult and sad habits, points of view, sticking places. They do not admit this. They also give me money to be in therapy so that I can work with and get out from under what they gave me. I ask them for what I need emotionally and they can't give it to me. So they give me what they can give me and I use it the way I would use their emotional support, if they had it to give.

And I feel lucky every day that these are the things I am dealing with, because daily hunger, job entrapment, physical abuse...all these seem so much harder to deal with. I'm dealing with effects, and am capable by accident of birth of getting away from most causes. But I'm sore for the people who can't get away from causes, because there are more of them in the world.

I have so much affection for all of you. We're brave sometimes. That's good.

11:24 AM  
Blogger richard lopez said...

I have had episodes so frightening that I wonder how I made it thru. there was a year in my life when I was incapable of holding down a job, looking after myself etc. etc. and yet, I feel lucky too, that inbetween these attacks I am lucid and able to gather and take pleasure from living. mental illness is a physical illness, and not all "in yr head" as some in our society will have us believe. and having enough money and a home and a loving family can indeed be a real guilt inducer. I see street people everyday on my walks to and from work. and sometimes I do feel guilty that I have a home to go to, and the support and love of family. what can I do but live as well as I can, and treat others with respect. to the best of my limited abilities will allow, at least. I've been thinking of Stevens's "money is a kind of poetry" and wonder what he meant by that. I guess only the very broke and the very rich truly knows, since money can be a kind of metaphor, or form of alchemy that is able to transform an idea (currency) to tangeable facts.

6:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh kyle kyle kyle. it is so sad how wellness has become a luxury. like so many sensitive people, i too suffer from x, y, and z variants of mental instability/illness and constantly am trading in thoughts of future for thoughts of 'just stay healthy.'

but you know. i wonder something, lately. something that doesn't help any depression fade but it's: is life supposed to be bad? i mean ok. what i mean is. back in the day, when? some long many years ago, people focused daily on getting food, getting laid, and staying warm. in a very direct way: hunt animal, pick berry, eat it, feed it to woman you want to bed, bed her, sleep next to her. nine months later a baby is born and then more engery goes toward the caring for that child.

today our world is so different--we don't have direct connection with these processes--not even fucking and bearing children if you take into consideration birth control, hospitals, etc--i think our day to day chores can feel more pointless since we don't have such connection to what they're doing for us. like, why am i here typing away as a secretary (one of my most depressed periods)? how is this contributing to my life? back in the day (when, we don't know) there wasn't the opportunity to ask that question--to think what else there might be, right. so.

today there is distance between doing and why doing and i wish most of the time to move back to virginia and find someone to plant a seed in me but instead i'm doing what? writing poetry? doing what? learning french? doing what? going to acupuncture and the therapist?

in a way i wish i could accept that this is just LIFE--this work shit i have to do (ok, not yet but eventually, i have a year left of this mfa please grant me the pleasure) to stay alive. and take some sense of satisfaction is that. there is something about our culture today where we don't take what's in front of us at face value. benefits? many. but drawbacks? setbacks? painful consequences? innumerable. i have options and it kills me. if i were born (back, back, back in the day, day) maybe i'd just be like, damn the sun's up so i gots to go pick them berries and this kid's sucking my tittie here comes a wind batten down the hatches--

i don't know, kyle, no answers. but i do mean to say, it's a luxury how much money goes toward my own wellness and damn does it seem to go anywhere? in cycles, spirals, new levels but same same place. i take my mom and dad's moneys and i take it with gratitude and resentment. i care more about being sane and feeling well than i care about being successful in any externally validated way.

perhaps this should have been an email.


9:41 PM  
Blogger Dylan Hock said...

Most of the time, I think a lot of these questions act as clouds that keep us from the sun. I've been relatively on my own most of my life and sure, (in my opinion) you've got to have empathy and respect for those not as fortunate as yourself, but do you let it screw your life down to a great bottle of wine contaminated by a broken cork? Fuck that. And I mean FUCK THAT! I think about these questions a lot in relation to my relation to politics. Fight fight fight! Or step aside, enjoy my life to the fullest, and help those around me to do the same (even strangers on the street, the people I meet in my daily existence)? I always seem to go the latter, but I can't come to terms with turning my cheek on the greedy destructive lot, so, why not both? That's what I'm working on now. I've come to simultaneously question everything, yet at the same time, accept it for what it is in front of me. For instance, I question my aesthetic, my writing, my art, but at the same time, I don't do it to the point that it brings me into the sledge of the wine. I don't do it until I spiral into guilt, depression, and paranoia. Why? Why do that to yourself? You can't help everyone around the entire world, but you can do a damn lot of good if you just help the people around you--and the cirlce grows from there, out into the world. As Ed Sanders says, "Think nationally, (and I'd change that to internationally) act locally." That says a lot to me.

I can feel guilty that my work is something that I not only enjoy, but absolutely consumes me (to the occasional dismay of my wife) while friends and family struggle in jobs they hate just to get by, but I also feel, Fuck it, if they hate what they're doing, they can change it. It's not up to me. It's not always up to us. Many people, given opportunity for something different will pass it up or fuck it up out of indifference, ineptitude, laziness, etc. We all hold our own balls in this game (balls not being testicles.) I hate to say it, but you've got to take hold of your own life and help others to realize and do the same. If they can't/don't want to be helped, keep moving... moving on...\

So Kyle, you've got some money. Fuck you you rich bastard. (With a loving smile.) Really though, that's great! Good for you! Look at the good you can do with it. Look at Subday! Wonderful! Look at Pobre! Fantastic! Good for Summer too!

I can't stop thinking about our talk at Melissa's, about having to sell something to get by in the world and how militant I feel against that. (Should I say Fuck that! again?) I'd rather live on the streets and write on fragments of paper bags than that. And I'm not afraid too. Hobo hermits run in my family like booze and weed, but I do have the responsibility of my son Quindynn and for that, I'm willing to suck it up and get a part-tme job (part-time at the most!) I say part time at the most because I am working overtime on my writing every bit of the day and night without pay, (but I don't care. It's me. It's who I am. It's what I do. I love it. And, in my possible naivety, I believe the money will come. I guess, I grew up dirt poor [and I do mean dirt!] so I'm not scared to risk it and focus on my writing. I'm already living better than I ever have.) I'm angered that I can't just devote myself to my work and life, that I have this other bullshit that takes up 95% of my life, just to exist these days and I fight it all the time. And since this boil is getting long, I'll just say, at this point in my life, I'm working on making myself (my mind and heart) as open, empathetic, active, alert, and free as possible. The closer I get, the better I feel all around, the more I can help to instill the same in those around me--and the circle widens...

Quit beating yourself up and focus on being happy. That's all there is to it.

To boil it down, all these questions are good to think about, but don't let them consume you to the point of hindering your life. Life SHOULD BE ENJOYED to the fullest! Or else, what's the point? I look at enjoying my life as much as I can as one person giving a big Fuck You to the forces out there that work against life and happiness (such as the US government.) My own happiness is my best weapon and vicotry over the sadness of the world.

12:22 PM  
Blogger Dylan Hock said...

PS: Take comfort in the fact that, in spite of the fact of being better off than a lot of people, you have a good enough mind/conscience to think about these issues at all.

12:36 PM  
Blogger frank said...

hey kyle thanks for your comments on my blog. i liked your depression post too. actually the other day i was terribly depressed and looking for blogs on depression but didn't come across yer post. it helps me get over the solipsism that goes along with it. i'm going to consult with a therapist today, probably the first of a few because after much failed therapy in the past i'm not going to go with the first person i see just because he happens to be the first. this is really the first time i feel i'm being compelled to go by those around me. i'm kind of like, whatever it takes to make them happy. i feel like i've got an answer for whatever type of advice i get...but as you point out, that feeling can be symptomatic...

i often wonder why more of the junkies, bums etc. don't just do it, commit suicide, and i know many of them do/try. i always think to myself i would if i ever got that low...then i wonder why i'm even bogged down by the idea when i have so much good fortune in life...

depression is not talked about despite all the new era "acceptibility" of it...for instance, some have mentioned to me that i may be committing career suicide by publshing the blog and letting too many people know about...there it is...
"has psychiatric problems" "must provide complete medical records to show fitness for bar admission"
but that's all next year.
l and i are vaguely considering the peace core for a couple of years, like that one responder said, just to get away from our modern-lives-made-meaningless by TV, cars, therapy, supermarkets, etc. for a while. who knows

greg and i were joking that maybe we'd have to get married to each other because our wives/long-term girlfriends (and their families) were complaining about what spoilsports we are, questioning certain aspects of adult life that we are supposed to accept, i.e. work yer job, go to weddings of family members with in the first cousin range, drink beer after work, drive in traffic, etc..
point is, one of the hardest aspects of depression is having loved ones complain about what a burden you are on them

all the comments are interesting.

8:04 AM  

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