
miserable motherfuckers, unite!

we have only our salaries and benefits* to lose!

am i the only one out here who is working in the corporate wasteland? snuggling in the cold, frenzied, clot-inducing heart of the office?

i welcome your support on performing a bypass - its high time i get out of here. so, for what its worth, i hereby announce i am (as of this moment) looking for work. it feels like sawing off a limb and winning the lottery at the same time.

(if you wanted to see The Corporation and you haven't, you are a foolish, foolish being(see post-title, please))

* and one-bedroom apartments, and dusty cars, and partners and IKEA cookware and parental approval and $ to buy books with etc.


Blogger jwg said...

go west young man

11:20 PM  
Blogger Pirooz M. Kalayeh said...

Working in film and television is very different from the corporate market.

What about McSweeney's in Frisco? Or Valencia? Doesn't Eggers have a tutoring place?

From Jim's comment, I take it he's encouraging Los Angeles or Thailand. Not quite sure.

Thailand seems like a good deal. You make good money and live a good life. The only trade off is possibly biting off your ear.

Have you been in touch with Bob lately? I heard he got the editor position at Parabola. Maybe, he knows of an opening in the city.

From my job searches there, I have found that there are several pubishing companies looking for assistant editors. These are not high paying, but they are fun and interesting jobs. You read books, emails, and then get to vote books into the board room.

Well, that's back to the corporate thing, huh?

Yeah, I have no idea. If I had money, I would hire you to walk around with me. You could either throw peanuts or flattering compliments.

"My don't you look sleek in black," Kyle says.

"Oh, don't be posh," I say.

"No, really, you do," you say.

"Well, I think you have a fine employee there," my boss says. "Keep up the good work, P."

"Will do, sir."

P looks at Kyle, "Thanks. That was some good stuff. Don't throw so many peanuts next time though."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Just throw a couple."

"Like two?"

"Yeah, or maybe, three. Yeah, three is a good number."


Kyle puts on his airplane beanie, "I think I see someone interesting. It might be a girl."

"A girl or a wo-man," I stress the latter.

"Kind of both."

"Okay," I straighten my posture, "Start pelting me. Hard! No pansie throws. Just straight for the jugular!"

"You sure?"

"Yeah, dude. She might be into S&M. We got to make a good impression."

"You got the shampoo bottle?"

"Good idea. That will be the finale."

I straighten Kyle's beanie.

"You are the best employee I've ever had," I tell him.

"Yeah," you agree. "I'm pretty good at this."

10:30 PM  
Blogger Kyle said...

Pirooz - I don't use peanuts, I use horchata. Its a mess, but a tasty one. I am glad you stopped with the shampoo bottle. An image our readers can dwell on. I hope, if you hire me, you take me on the Conan show and Conan scratches my ears and looks out at the audience w/ bemused wonder - cuz then I can douse him w/ a Horchata.

5:04 PM  
Blogger frank said...

re: getting out of yer job.
i think it is a good idea. i was thinking about the idea of poets as teachers and you as a teacher. i recall you tried that route after college with special needs students, but there are a million and one ways to go at it. it inspires me to think that maybe all us artists/protesters fretting about what we're doing might just have the creativity and youthful rebellion-empathy to excite children's minds about self-education and autonomous community education. i just got 'teaching to transgress' by bell hooks. i know greg has been thinking about this. liv is working on her teaching certificate, etc. i'm doing this thing this summer working on designing law/leadership/social justice projects for high school students (though not actually teaching any students)...just a thought for yer bin...

12:43 PM  

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