
secret blog decoder ring

Currently a day of great emotional turmoil. Making it a Monday.

Here's a quick insight into how this blog works:

-if the post is intensely negative, if its highly critical, my guess is the author is suffering from a bout of melancholy. the more deeply, devoutly, intensely negative gives you a corrolative sense as to how deeply so.

-if the post is deeply critical of others, or others work, the blogger is having difficulty with his own work, most likely around the very vein he is critiquing in others

-if the post expresses anguish around writing or art, the blogger is stuck in his own process/blogging instead of working, a fine yet sustainable definition. all those of you who have blogged for an hour when you promised to "edit" etc. know what i mean.

-if the post displays consciousness more than self-consciousness, a sun is shining somewhere.

-if the blog is clever then the blogger is a dirty thieving hypocrite!

-if the blog leans too heabily on irony, there is a problem w/ spine allignment and a stooping posture.

-if the blogger shows a penchant for generalizations, this is a patent indicator of distance. (at a distance one perceives conglomerates which dissolve/re-arrange up close)

-if the blogger wears their heart on their sleeve, their heart is wounded (and most likely a decoy).

Mispellings in this post: liekly, psot, blogge ris.

-if i tire of this sort of talk, it is a blogge ris.
-if the form evaporates leaving only its trace, the entry becomes a psot.
-if a blog is inclined to admit too many tangents, it is liekly, and therefore not recommended as a seaworthy vessel.

in that section, we found "entyr"

"but that psot entyred a whole afternoon" (there is both a suggestion of the wearing down of a tire, and of the co-arrising state of feeling tired/sore (too much typing, perhaps in slightly lost/fruitless directions (inducing blogge ris))).

-a blog which dwells excessively on the surface betrays its ties to the logic of capitalism, as expressed in an advertisement: the windows of the skyscraper are always opaque, the foyer's marble is 1/8th of an inch thick.

-infomercials : i have just had a brilliant and short-lived theory on infomercials (relation to the psot without the attendant blogge ris yet still felt as liekly - if manipulatively so) . its lucky i still have functioning feet, although good lord my legs and neck are sore today. do they have places for old poets to go before they die so we can meet up and quarrel?

(quarrle, jst) lets face it - used judiciously, typos make work shine.

jst - a minute or obscure jest
quarrle - a mouse-like psot, not at all liekly, but quite blogge ris.

-so i experience this, what, moment? we should recognize that this secret decoder blog ring may penetrate many of the emotional energetics (i.e. miasmic submerged feelies) underlying this blog, but it does not dismiss the posts born out of its psots, or stand to ignore the momentary shininess of even the most slender jst, or justify writing off the whole affair as too entyring to be concerned with.

just to point out what may be there alongside the there.


Blogger jwg said...


yr blog is what makes me late for my morning class.

talk to ML. west of sf is more than just water.

11:23 PM  
Blogger Boulder Fringe said...

Be lively.

9:02 AM  

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