
oh does my job suck just then

Alongside my attempts to network sits my eternal loneliness. There is 10 o'clock, drinking, and there is 4:45 am.
The Byrds wrote a song off this, or someone said, its the Bible. Appropriately in motel rooms - the darkened channel surfing of the soul. Afix the label - now hold still. There is a point @ which no one is listening - and this starts w/ the speaker themself. Radiates outwards, the dimming of the sun, the lightbulb, the stranger sharing the elevator for 13 seconds.

And then Diane from marketing walks in...


to become bird
like "cluck"

turns click. a
new channel,
said softly -
i mean the tongue
presses the cheek deliberately
and without violence

-three times in a row:
the cat comes, the catacombs

the pope on the rope -
his robe has a new neck
@ its nape

this has wandered in a direction
like all the rest "different
than i desired" though

on that field tilted
out "above" - if you
cared to look - the
twitters darted (sharp!
as to violence - who
sez) &
there was no


Blogger jwg said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:08 PM  
Blogger jwg said...

who is erasing my posts?

7:09 PM  
Blogger Kyle said...

JWG - what is up? conceptual pranks, amnesia, both, drinks? what? what confounding...
?did you erase that post or no?

1:42 AM  

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